BMW of Sterling

Benefits of Electric Cars

BMW Electric Cars

Whether you’re looking for a more efficient driving experience or a way to minimize your environmental footprint, an electric vehicle is the way to go. It’s no secret that electric cars have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years as more and more DC Metro Area and Loudoun County drivers have come to embrace the many EV benefits available. Discover some of the most significant benefits of electric cars in this guide from BMW of Sterling.

Environmental Benefits of Electric Vehicles

First and foremost, driving an EV is an easy way to do something positive for the environment and lighten the burden on Mother Nature while still enjoying the highest levels of vehicle performance and reliability. Because they do not require an exhaust system, BMW EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, making them a smart choice for the environment.

Another environmental benefit of electric vehicles: you can charge your electric car using renewable energy. Choose solar, wind, or water power sources to restore your vehicle charge and reduce your reliance on the electrical grid.

Other EV Benefits

The benefits of electric cars go beyond the environment to provide tangible advantages for both your Dulles Airport-area drives and your bottom line. Let’s take a look at some of these EV benefits in more detail:

  • Less Maintenance - From a design standpoint, EVs are much more straightforward than their gas-powered counterparts and contain fewer parts. This means fewer maintenance needs–no more oil changes!–and the costs that go along with them.
  • Performance and Features - EVs use the latest technology to revolutionize your drives, so you can expect reliable performance and state-of-the-art features.
  • Quieter Driving Experience - Without a loud internal combustion engine, an EV offers a quieter, calmer in-cabin experience.

How to Prepare for an EV

Now that we’ve covered some key benefits of electric cars, you can start getting ready for the arrival of your new EV! Here are a few tips to help you make full use of all the EV benefits at your disposal:

  1. Prepare Your Garage - This will likely be your main charging location. A Level 1 charger can be plugged into a standard wall outlet, but a faster and more powerful Level 2 charger requires installation by a licensed electrician. Make sure you have your home charging station set up prior to buying your EV.
  2. Explore Area Charging Stations - Do a little research into the public charging stations available along your normal driving routes and parking places so you can be sure to keep your EV adequately charged.
  3. Take Advantage of Incentives - Electric cars often come with tax incentives to help you save on your purchase. Contact us for the latest offers, and don’t miss our new vehicle specials for additional money-saving opportunities.

See the Benefits of Electric Cars in Action at BMW of Sterling

The financial and environmental benefits of electric vehicles are legion. But don’t take our word for it. Check out our latest electrified lineup, including the stunning BMW i5 electric sedan, and contact us or stop by the showroom to get set up with a test drive. Your next luxury EV awaits at BMW of Sterling!